" Real coders don't blog, or at least not very often! " A.R.

Device Profile for Web Services (DPWS) et WS-Discovery deviennent officiellement des standards

Les spécifications 1.1 de DPWS et WS-Discovery viennent d’être adoptées par le consortium OASIS qui s’occupe notamment de standardiser des protocoles et technologies du monde des Web Services.

DPWS est une spécification qui explique comment utiliser comme des briques certains standards et spécifications Web Services tels que WS-Addressing, WS-Discovery, WS-Eventing, WS-Transfer ou WS-MetadataExchange pour créer des scénarios évolués dans le monde des périphériques connectés.

WS-Discovery permet de découvrir sur le réseau des services ayant certaines caractéristiques. (et donc par extension des périphériques) Il est ainsi possible de se connecter à un réseau, et de dire « je cherche une imprimante couleur qui peut imprimer des deux cotés » pour obtenir des réponses des périphériques correspondants.


Début du Press Release (anglais):

OASIS Members Approve WS-DD Standards to Enable Secure Web Service Discovery and Control of Networked Devices

Microsoft, CA, Novell, Progress Software, Red Hat, Ricoh, Software AG, and Others Advance WS Standards for Mobile Computing, Smart Buildings, Consumer Electronics, and Office Applications

Boston, MA, USA; 21 July 2009 – OASIS, the international open standards consortium, today announced that its members have approved three related Web services protocol standards that make it easier to find, share, and control devices on a network. Advanced by the OASIS Web Services Discovery and Web Services Devices Profile (WS-DD) Technical Committee, these new standards include Web Services Dynamic Discovery (WS-Discovery), SOAP Over User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS). Together, the three standards enable printers, storage devices, sensors, building security devices, entertainment systems, energy management equipment, hand-held computers, cell phones, remote controls, and many other devices to be identified, communicated with, and controlled using Web services.

“These standards make it possible for a new generation of enterprise-enabled resources to be developed which will automatically be discovered and function seamlessly together,” said Alain Regnier of Ricoh, co-chair of the OASIS WS-DD Technical Committee.

“WS-DD expands the scope of the WS-* stack to encompass an exciting range of devices used by both consumers and professionals. Together, WS-Discovery, SOAP-over-UDP, and DPWS define a lightweight footprint that offers the potential to broaden the reach of Web services,” added Toby Nixon of Microsoft, who also co-chairs the WS-DD Committee at OASIS.

The WS-DD standards prescribe how to use elements of core Web services specifications to dynamically discover and describe a Web service. They also enable the secure exchange of messages and allow devices to subscribe and receive events from a Web service.

July 21, 2009
406 words

web services IoT

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